* Birth Facts *

Due Date: Febuary 10, 2001

Birth Date: January 31, 2001

Birth Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz

Length: 19 1/4 inches

In Labor: 4 hours

Time Born: 9:00 AM

Hospital: Good Shepard

Doctor: Dr. Yancey

When you have your first child, you learn a love you never knew before. And then you get pregnant a second time and you wonder how in the world you could ever love another child... I didn't think it was possible, but Miss Jaidyn proved me very wrong. WHen I first saw her, and held her I fell completely in love with her. And when I held her to my chest and she nursed, every doubt that I had was erased and my heart grew big enough for both my children

Here is the story of my little girls arrival into the world. I was amazed when she came 10 days early!!

It was a little after 4:30 when I woke up on the morning of Jan. 31, 2001. I was soaked and the spot I slept on the bed was too. My first thought was, "My water broke!" but when I stood up and there was no gush or leaking, like I had experienced with Noah, I thought that maybe I had jsut accidently wet myself, because of the pressure of the baby. . So I changed clothes and laid on the couch (that had become habit, becuase I wasn't sleeping well at this point in my pregnancy anyway)

It was at 5 when I started having strong contractions, all in my back. It was at this time when I leaned over the bed and whispered into Brian's ear, "We are going to have a baby today" He jumped up and asked if he had time to take a shower. I said yes, since I didn't want to get to the hospital too soon, and be there for forever before haivng the baby. So Brian got up got himself and Noah ready, while rubbing my back when the contractions would be really strong. Such a sweet and good man, he is!

At 7 Am we got into the car and headed to the hospital. It was 7:30 when I was finally admitted and sent up to my room. It was almost 8 when I was checked and I was a 6-7. Ten minutes later the Dr. had the nurse check me again and I was an 8. At 8:30 the dr. told me that the baby was facing up, thus the reason I hadn't had her already (He figures I woudl wouldn't have made it there in time if she ahd been turned right!) and the reason for the back labor!
At this time Brian called our friend who was supposed to come get Noah for us, when the baby came. They lived a little way out of town, so we jsut hoped they would make it there in time!! I was given the option to use a birthing ball around this time, so I did and about 5 minutes later the baby had turned and I was back to pushing. About 5 pushes to get ehr all the way down and 2 or 3 to get her out and it was over! I had a small tear but nothing major and felt fine.

As for Noah.. Did our friends get there in time? No, but a nice nurse took him into the next room and feed him breakfast while I had her (he was in the room until right when I was fixing to have her) and was back in the room as soon as Jaidyn was checked over and I was stitched up! It was about 10 or 15 minutes later I would say when he met his baby sister!!

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